Keep it Clean…
to keep it coming ‘round

Let’s RECYCLE RIGHT by keeping our recycling clean!  New changes to our recycling industry and far tighter controls on the level of contamination accepted, mean we need to further refine our recycling practices.

Rinse or wipe out any extra food or drink from all containers, bottles and tins. 

NO food scraps, dirty paper or cardboard (eg. Takeaway cardboard food containers) – put these in your green lid bin.

NO nappies or sanitary items – put these in your red lid bin.

KEEP OUT:  Soft plastics, coffee cups and lids, polystyrene,  biscuit containers and meat trays.

Let’s not waste our efforts, keep your recycling contamination free to keep it coming ‘round.


Give bottles, containers and tins a quick rinse in pre-used wash-up water

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