Drop-off of small quantities of common household problem wastes

Community Recycling Stations (CRS) are small cabinets generally placed at libraries and council facilities such as community centres, to allow for the convenient and free drop-off of small quantities of common household problem wastes. Problem wastes are items, which should not be placed in your kerbside bins and may include:


Due to space restrictions at Community Recycling Stations, please use your discretion when dropping off items. As a guide, this could include a handful of household batteries, up to 20 x-rays, and five light globes, mobile phones, eye glasses or ink cartridges per visit

 Find a CRS near you

To find the location of your nearest CRS and what items can be dropped there, click the pins on the map

What happens to household problem wastes dropped off at Community Recycling Stations?

Most of the items accepted at Community Recycling Stations can be reused or recycled. To find out what happens to the problem wastes you drop off click here or watch the videos below to learn more.


For large quantities and other types of  household problem wastes, visit your nearest

Community Recycling Centre (CRC)


Learm More


Visit your local Council's website for more info on waste and recycling



This is a Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the Waste Levy.

Ballina Shire

Byron Shire

Clarence Valley

Richmond Valley

Tweed Shire


Lismore City