Learning Hub

Welcome to NE Waste’s Education Hub, where you can discover all about waste avoidance and resource recovery through our school programs, community programs and on-line resources for teachers, kids and grown-ups.


North East Waste and our member Councils take education about waste very seriously. Our programs have been designed to NSW Curriculum guidelines, reflect education for sustainability goals, and are evaluated for ongoing improvement.





From Preschool, to Primary and High Schools, we have a range of programs schools can access and on-line resources suitable for teachers and students.


Primary School

High School


Welcome to information on our programs for householders across the region. These projects aim to promote simple and practical ways of adopting waste-less lifestyles.


Ballina Shire

Byron Shire

Clarence Valley


Lismore City

Richmond Valley

Tweed Shire

This program is supported by the NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.


Visit your local Council's website for more info on waste and recycling